Promoting the interests and welfare of senior citizens in Wealden


Photo of Action In Rural Sussex


Providing practical help and support to villages in Sussex and enabling them to be vibrant living and working places.

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Wealden District Council’s Active 4 Life programme offers dance, movement and yoga sessions for older people across Wealden.

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Photo of Age UK
Website: Age UK


Age Concern and Help the Aged are now Age UK, the largest charity working for older people.

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Photo of Care for the Carers


Care for the Carers is an independent charity which supports unpaid carers in East Sussex who look after a relative, friend or neighbour who is frail, disabled, and/or has a long term illness.

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Photo of East Sussex County Council
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Photo of East Sussex Credit Union


East Sussex Credit Union (ESCU) has confirmed plans to provide a free budgeting and money management advice service to the hard-pressed residents of Wealden. Sponsored by Wealden District Council, ESCU will be providing a programme of simple, down-to-earth, local financial workshops across the district beginning in July. The new ESCU workshops are designed specifically to help educate people to manage their finances better and where required to promote access to an ethical lender, able to provide cost effective credit and savings solutions. This avoids the need for residents to approach payday loan companies or doorstep lenders who can charge extortionate rates of interest and impose very restrictive terms and conditions.

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Photo of East Sussex Healthy Walks


Healthy Walks are part of the nationwide Walking for Health scheme which aims to get people healthier and happier by providing free, short and easy led walks.

Free Walking Guide

Jean Miller has put together the following guide of 50 amazing benefits of walking daily. The guide is available here.

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Photo of East Sussex Seniors’ Association


Website of the East Sussex Seniors Association, umbrella organisation for the seven seniors’ forums in East Sussex

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Help with Energy bills and advice and guidance on any energy related matter that needs to be answered.

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Photo of Facebook


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Photo of International Longevity Centre UK


The International Longevity Centre-UK is the leading think tank on longevity and demographic change. It is an independent, non-partisan think tank dedicated to addressing issues of longevity, ageing and population change.

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Photo of Life Coach Directory


Life Coach Directory was set-up in order to raise awareness of coaching and to enable visitors to find the most suitable qualified coach for their needs. Coaching is the process of guiding a person from where they are to where they want to be, and can address a range of areas from career advice to family coaching. To ensure the professionalism of our website, all listed coaches have provided us with qualifications and insurance cover or proof of membership with a professional body.

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Photo of Mid Sussex Older People’s Council


The MSOPC is established to communicate whenever and wherever possible with decision making organisations such as local councils, Health Authorities and/or any other body that affects the lives of older people within the Mid Sussex Area and by doing so whenever and wherever possible to ensure that the welfare and best interests of older people are both protected and served by all decision making bodies.

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Photo of National Health Service – High Weald, Lewes and Havens


The website for the High Weald, Lewes and Havens Clinical Commissioning Group

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Photo of Now! Charity
Website: Now! Charity


The Now! Charity Group is your local charity with bases in Eastbourne, Hailsham and Lewes in East Sussex. Our focus is on helping East Sussex residents facing any disadvantage such as poverty, lack of qualifications or health issues. There are two main parts to our charity, Furniture Now! and Training Now! Both are designed to help you or members of our local community to get back on their feet, feel happy and get back into work.

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