Promoting the interests and welfare of senior citizens in Wealden


The Wealden Senior Citizens’ Partnership is the Older People’s Forum for Wealden, a largely rural district covering roughly half the area of East Sussex. Membership is currently around 630.

Our aims are:

  • to represent the views, needs and interests of older people

  • to reduce isolation and loneliness amongst older people in Wealden

  • to promote the positive aspects of older age

  • to organise events throughout Wealden so that older people can come together to have fun, learn new things and pick up information that might be useful to them

  • to publish a quarterly newsletter “Grey Matters” to keep members informed about issues of interest to older people, and to publicise events

Contact number: 01892 770487

WSCP exists to encourage older people to live a full and healthy life. How do you think that could be achieved? Should we organise more outings or events? Send out more newsletters? Do something completely different?

Whatever the future, a few helping hands is all we need to make a big difference to the lives of many older people.

If you think you could help, get in touch as soon as you can. Ring Linda Graham on 01892 770487 or email