Calling older people in Heathfield! Are you retired/widowed/lonely or just bored? Are you in retirement but would enjoy mixing with a wider community to include activities such as crafts/cooking/gardening and contributing to the education of primary school children aged between 5 and 11?
Young at Heart is a non-residential facility that supports the nutritional, social, and activity needs of older adults in a professionally staffed group setting. They also support older people to re-visit skills and hobbies they may not have engaged with recently, and to try new activities.
The organiser, Rachel Gibson, says “I got my inspiration for Young at Heart from the documentary set in Bristol with the care home being integrated with the nursery school, having seen the enormously positive results from the meeting of two generations. I have been a carer in the community for the last 5 years and knew I could do more than help one person at a time. I was looking after the wonderful 89 year old Margaret for the last 3 years of her life until she sadly died 3 months ago. She and I planned Young at Heart together and she came up with the name. Rob Laughton helps me with the business side of Young at Heart.”
The idea behind Young at Heart is to integrate the elderly with the local primary school, All Saints and St Richard’s, 100 yards from the venue, Old Heathfield Cricket Club, which has outstanding far reaching views to the Downs. Ultimately they aim to be open Monday to Friday from 10am-4pm but for now it is open on Tuesdays until numbers grow. Age Concern are helping with transport .
They have a website which is http://youngatheart.me.uk/ and are also on Facebook which is Young at Heart Heathfield Community Club. If anyone would like to join they would love to hear from you! Contact Rachel 07971 032667.
The Wealden Senior Citizens’ Partnership Committee are very sad to report the death of our Chair, Ivy Elsey, who passed away on Friday, 27th July 2018.
Ivy had been a member of our committee since our launch in 2005 and had been Chair for about 8 years.
She was also Vice Chair of ESSA, and chaired the ESSA Health and Community Care Theme Group.
She had been fighting bravely against illness for a number of years and will be very greatly missed.
Ivy is pictured here at our 10th Anniversary Older People’s Day event in 2015, alongside the then Vice Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, Sarah Stonor.